plugin: YOP Poll

YOP Poll – WordPress plugin |

plugin pro hlasování, plánované nasazení během srpna


GPT chat 28/7/2023:

YOP Poll: YOP Poll is another well-known voting plugin that enables you to create and manage polls easily. With YOP Poll, you can create single or multiple-choice polls, schedule them to start and end at specific times, and restrict the number of votes per user. The plugin offers a wide range of themes and customization options to make your polls visually appealing.

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Plugin: Search & Filter

Search & Filter – Plugin WordPressu | Česko

Search & Filter

lze vložit i do widgetu

např. jako

[searchandfilter fields=“search,category,sablona“ hierarchical=“,1″ types=“,select“ submit_label=“hledej“ search_placeholder=““]


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Plugin: Add Link to Copied Text

Add link on copied text

instalován 21/9/2022

Plugin settings

Text before link

If you leave the field blank, a link without text will be inserted.

The number of indents after the copied text.

If 0 is selected, the link will appear on the same line as the text.

Link to home page only

If enabled, the link will be inserted to the mai … Pokračovat ve čtení „Plugin: Add Link to Copied Text“